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PZN-PT Single Crystal

Advantages of Piezoelectric Materials in Medical Ultrasound

PZN-PT offers significantly higher electromechanical performance compared to conventional piezoelectric ceramics. PZN-PT medical ultrasound probes achieve over 85% efficiency in acoustic energy conversion, surpassing traditional materials.
This material enhances the penetration power of ultrasound beams, while also delivering higher image resolution for the system.

Properties\MaterialPZN-5.5%PT[001]PZN-7%PT[001]Low Qm PZTLow Qm PMN
Free dieletric permittivity52655622650012000
Clamped dielectric permittivity79282321005000
Piezoelectric constant d33 (pC/N)200924558001500
Piezoelectric constant g33 (10-3Vm)43.149.31415
FOM d33 x g33 (pm2/N)8712111.222.5
E/M coupling facttor k33 (%)90917876
Dielectric loss (%)0.50.822
Quality factor (Qm)<100<100<100<100
Curie temperature ()>150>150>13089
Phase change temp. ()>110>90 <50

Advantages of Piezoelectric Materials in Medical Ultrasound

In 1999, Yamashita et al. developed a PZN-PT ultrasound probe, demonstrating that it provides greater sensitivity than conventional materials, assisting doctors in making more accurate diagnoses.

Color Doppler Ultrasound Probe Market Size

With advancements in ultrasound technology, the types and applications of probes continue to expand, promising sustained market growth.

High-frequency, array, and linear probes are becoming mainstream products, catering to examinations of various body parts and applications. To meet diverse customer needs, manufacturers are also introducing new probe designs.